Some of my writing and press about my work:

Spoke with Mat Leffler-Schulman and Dan Coutant about honesty and empathy in mastering (and why AI will never hold your hand) for their Speaks Volumes podcast (2024)

Geeta Dayal wrote about the preservation work I’ve been doing along with Wally de Backer (Gotye), David Barron, and Volker Straebel in Unearthing Louis and Bebe Barron’s Hidden Tapes (2023).

Shouted out my mentors and some of my favorite places to eat and drink in this Shoutout LA feature (2022).

I had a lovely chat with Xylo Aria about my three favorite topics - audio restoration, college radio, dogs - for her podcast Music Production For Women (2022).

John Seetoo wrote a review of the spring 2022 AES convention, where I presented on vinyl restoration as part of a panel called Audio Archiving and Restoration: A Special Focus on Collections Recorded on Analogue Discs.

I was a guest on Lij Shaw’s Recording Studio Rock Stars podcast (2021).

Discussed backup strategies, the value of maintenance, and spending money to make money on the Working Class Audio podcast with Matt Boudreau (2021).

Had a lovely conversation with Tape Op’s Geoff Stanfield about Scott Walker’s Scott 3 for the DISCussion podcast (2021).

Spoke with Andrea González about my favorite topics: noise, space, sounds, listening and remastering Ata Kak’s Obaa Sima in two speeds on her podcast Curva Ras (2021)

Will You Be Mine Forever? Audio archiving, multitracks, and 90s digital, written by Francis Rumsey about the Archiving & Restoration track I curated for the 147th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 68, No. 4, 2020 April (2020)

Wrote a report of the AES Conference on Audio Archiving, Restoration and Preservation for the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 66, No. 11, 2018 November (2018)

Interviewed fellow restoration and mastering engineers about the Aesthetics of Remastering Reissues for Tape Op (2018)

Contributed a chapter entitled Mastering the Sonics of Historic Recording Media to the academic book Music Preservation and Archiving Today (Rowman & Littlefield), edited by Norie Guthrie and Scott Carlson (2018)

Helped review the CA500EQ 2-Channel Rackmount EQ for Tape Op (2018)

Wrote about 78rpm records for the Internet Archive's Great 78 Project (2017)

Spoke with Gino Robair about restoration plug-ins for Electronic Musician (2017)

Featured in Women In Sound print zine, Issue 3 (2016)

Thoughts on SPL Iron Mastering Compressor for Tape Op (2016)

Feature in Womyn In Music (2016)

Working Class Audio podcast, hosted by Matt Boudreau (2016)

On “Sonic Archaeology” for GRAMMY Pro (2016)

Video on Cleaning up The Complete Concert By the Sea tape (2015)

“Ask the Experts” interview with Indie Preserves (2015)

Pure2 Master AD/DA Converter & Clock Review for Tape Op (2015)

The Art And Aesthetics of Audio Restoration for Pink Noise (2104)

Remixing Mickey Newbury’s Looks Like Rain for Tape Op (2011)

The B2 Bomber ADC & DAC Review for Tape Op (2010)

Isochrone OCX and 10M Clock Generators Review for Tape Op (2008)