What Rattled Through My Brain During The Radiohead Concert

Last time I saw Radiohead was 2001, outside... Radiohead fans have gotten younger and fatter and seem to wear more baseball caps... I'm so thirsty... Free Tibet, right on, Radiohead... Should I pick a fight with the people who stole our seats? Probably not, someone stole theirs too... So close, I can see their sweat twinkle in stage lights... Nice Gibson SG, what year is it?... He'd look good in a crisp shirt and tie... I bet it sounds really ace in the center of this venue; I'm standing in a bass bump... Cherry Gibson 335... Smoking? Seriously?... Thom Yorke, nice dance moves, handsome man... I haven't listened to In Rainbows much at all, just downloaded it and slapped it on the iPod, yet I listened to my CDs of Amnesiac and Kid A and OK Computer and The Bends so thoroughly... We had three copies of Kid A between the two us; where did the third come from?... A Rickenbacker... So many camera phones; so many crappy YouTube videos tomorrow morning... I have got to go get a drink of water... I can't believe that Grizzly Bear CD at the merch booth only cost $10; all CDs should cost around $10; I'd buy twice as many... Camden, who's straight outta Camden?... Is Jonny Greenwood playing a xylophone? A real xylophone, so much nicer than a synthesizer... If he hit a wrong note, he'd improvise a correction, and we'd never know... It's not too loud, but I wish the crowd would stop screaming, and how do they all know the words?... I don't know the words to Radiohead songs; I know the words to other songs, but not Radiohead songs... Remember, you once thought My Bloody Valentine's Loveless was all instrumentals... He's dancing again; such presence, I can't take my eyes off him... There's a baby in our row, snuggled in a Bjorn, tiny ear phones... I don't understand the urge to take crappy cell phone pictures and videos, but who am I to begrudge these kids; they paid $60 for their tickets too, or their parents did; besides, it's not like they're listening any less attentively than previous generations; are they?... Pick marks on his acoustic guitar, a well-loved slightly beaten guitar... I really like my guitar, wish I played it more often... They stencil their band name on their gear crates; I'd have thought they might use some clever alias... I should go to arena shows more often, and skip the clubs with terrible sound and mediocre bands... It feels good to hear this; I feel it, the bass in my chest, the rest all around me...

Jessica Thompson