iTunes Shuffle 4 - El Perro Del Mar
My iTunes library is back in action, as I finally upgraded to a shiny, speedy MacBook Pro. After moving 20 boxes of records and 4 enormous bins of CDs across state lines to the new apartment, my husband and I have rethought our commitment to physical media. Sure, the best of the vinyl will stay - it is an artifact, a piece of art and history, and often not available on CD. Some of the CDs hold strong sentimental value, having lived under car seats during college road trips, been acquired in smoky clubs with crumpled ten dollar bills, lugged from one apartment to the next (and the next, and the next....) The rest (I'm talking to you, Abba Gold) will get ripped (at full-fidelity) and purged. Our next move will be lighter.
Today, iTunes shuffle brings me...... "Dog" by El Perro Del Mar, who I first heard on a compilation for Believer magazine.
My first thought was: Julee Cruise, Twin Peaks, foggy mornings, roadhouses. She has that kind of ghostly voice (that kind of ethereal reverb, harmonies, looping instrumental arrangements). The lyrics could mean anything; the song is still lonely and a little messed-up.
Hear it here.