In The Court Of The Crimson King / Threnody For The Victims Of Hiroshima

A record I pulled from my mom's dusty stash when I was 15 or 16 because of the terrifying cover art. And, oh, it did not disappoint.

King Crimson's 1969 debut In The Court Of The Crimson King (link is to a live show)

I reencountered this song while watching Children Of Men.

Like seeing a friend from high school on the movie screen, a little older, cleaned up, but still spouting that glorious proggy poetry and musical wizardry. (I suppose 21st Century Schizoid Man was too obvious a choice?)

That I recognized Krystof Penderecki's Threnody For The Victims Of Hiroshima a little later in the movie... icing on cake.

I can live in a dystopian future, if it has a decent soundtrack.

Jessica Thompson